Friday 11 March 2011


Sooooo, from now until the end of March I have a substantial amout of univeristy work to get through. Let's do the math ... Work equals stress. Stress equals sadness. Sadness add shopping equals happiness. Therefore work times a substantial amount equals a substanstial amount of shopping. And I have to say guys ... a substantial amount of money spent later and I'm extremely happy. Cool face. I think I am now actually ready to get on with some work.

Well, not all of my purchases have actually been made yet but will be, very shortly. Excited face.

Here are a few to come from Zara ♥ ...

My soon to be Zara posessions.
 As soon as university work is over with I'll be able to give this blog some actual TLC & figure out how everything works properly as I'm still kind of new to this. I'll also be able to take pictures of me in all my fabulous purchases. Winky fayyce.

That will be all.

Chaw for naw ... maw (think this is gna become my thing)

Bye Dolls